The Creative Imagination Brings the Greatest of Spiritual Blessings.
The creative power works best through those who love what they are doing.
—Harold Klemp, Secrets of Divine Creativity, p. 15
You’re warmly invited to join us in-person or online, to discover the sacred sound of HU.
HU is an ancient and universal name for God. This sacred word can spiritually uplift people of any age, regardless of religion, culture, or walk of life.
This event is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Glyde-In Community Centre, 42 Glyde St. East Fremantle, Perth.
Time: 3pm – 4pm, (AWST)
You’re welcome to join online, you can access the link for this event by joining our Meetup page Meetup
Feel free to email if you’d like to speak to someone or ask questions about this event.